Carson Peters & Iron Mountain - September

Larry Stephenson - September

Darin & Brooke Aldridge - October

Tennessee Bluegrass Band - November

Little Roy & Lizzy Show - December

Appalachian Roadshow - January

Nu-Blu Bluegrass Band - February


Well, we just finished a fantastic season of outstanding Bluegrass music – what a thrilling set of bands!..But time marches on so we are busy assembling next seasons slate of nationally ranked bands for your enjoyment.  We already have 5 bands booked for our 2025-2026 season and only two remaining dates to fill.  This is shaping up to be one of our best Bluegrass seasons yet.

When it comes down to it, there’s simply no better value for your entertainment dollar than a live performance.  And, there’s nothing like catching your favorite Bluegrass show in an intimate setting. This up close and personal approach will leave little space between the entertainers and the short hairs standing up on the back of your neck. Whether it’s a break from the daily grind, vacation, or just a reason to turn off the news for awhile, we’re grateful that you choose to spend some of your time and hard earned dollars with us.

So sign up for our newsletter below in order to stay current on the latest regarding our upcoming season and we look forward to seeing you at each and every amazing Bluegrass concert.




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